Метафизика и психология от TK Randall
19 декември 2024 г. · 0 коментара
Ланган отдавна обмисля мистериите на смъртта. Кредит за изображение: Pixabay / FalcoZen
72-годишният Крис Ланган се смята за нещо като гений благодарение на своя IQ между 190 и 210.
Официално смятан за най-умния човек в света, Ланган използва превъзходния си интелект, за да разработи това, което той нарича Когнитивно-теоретичен модел на Вселената (CTMU).
Той твърди, че когато умрем, преминаваме от една форма в друга, или с други думи, преминаваме към различно ниво на съществуване, до което не можем да достигнем през живота.
“[Death is the termination of your relationship with your particular physical body that you have at this present time,” he said on the Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal podcast.
“When you are retracted from this reality, you go back up toward the origin of reality. You can be provided with a substitute body, another kind of terminal body that allows you to keep on existing.”
When this happens, he argues, you may lose all memory of who you were previously.
“Nothing goes out of existence in the math,” he said.
“Your memories can always be pulled back out, but there’s no reason to do that usually.”
“Why cling to memories of a world in which you are no longer instantiated ? So, there are certain automatic psychological things that happen on death, at the moment of death.”
Langan also suggests that we may reincarnate a limitless number of times.
“Arguably, all of your lifetimes, if you were to be reincarnated again and again and again, all of those reincarnations are meta-simultaneous.”
“There is a sense in which they all occur at once in the non-terminal domain.”
You can listen to the interview for yourself below.
Източник: Mail Online | Коментари (0)